Halfway through…

Thank God, Ramadhan is halfway through.  This year, though, it was a bit hard on me and my wallet. To think that I lost 2kgs just two weeks into Ramadhan! And I’m the type of a person that cannot bulk up so easily. (sigh)… and people envy me for being so skinny.

But I have observed so many things that should not happen in this holiest of months.

1. People not fasting and eating without shame in public.

2. The masses of “jantan ayu” plying their trade without shame nor fear.

3. The gossiping, the snide remarks that did not persist.

I guess it is just human nature (fitrah an-nas).

From Surah An-Nas, verse 1-6:

Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of men, The King of men, The god of men, From the evil of the whisperings of the slinking (Shaitan), Who whispers into the hearts of men, From among the jinn and the men.

(Credits to the translators. Taken from here : http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/quran/114.qmt.html)

Thought of the day: Faith keeps us strong. But can the strong be faithful?

8 Comments to “Halfway through…”

  1. huhu.. betul betul betul( cam bunyi dalam upin dan ipin tu)

    to be honest , aku pun same, makan kat public ari niu sebab aku memang tak puasa ( ABC ok)

    shamelah bagi orang yang sengaja tinggal tu sebab adik aku tu darjah satu lagi beliau dah puasa penuh. ( disebabkan upah sehari seringgit)

    sampai kul orang azan tau. dengan sabar di tunggu..

    bukan lapar sangat pun puasa tu, kalau nak dibandingkan dengan orang kat negara yang berperang, yang memang asal bukak mata jer, kebulur

    kita- sampai nnasi yang kita makan berakhir di tong sampah

    dah tiap tiap ari merasa kenyang- tak reti bosan ker?

    puasa tu mengajar kita merhargai waktu kenyang, mengingati orang yang lebih malang dan mengingatkan betapa tak sempurnanya kita – maunsia ni, kelaparan jika tak makan


    jantan ayu atau jentayu atau jentera yang tak laku dan orang yangmemang tak reti malu ni

    its about choiceslah

    cam ko kata opinion is subjectives and choices is made based on their opinion.

    in what way they view it. its up to them

    at the end of the ay, they are the one who will be punished by Allah right.

    mencegah kemungkaran ada 3 cara. dah dengan tangan kau dah buat- post ni., dengan lidah maybe tak boleh sebab kita student lagi- tak pasal- pasal pulak kena lempang free nanti, akhir sekali cegahlah dengan hati- walaupun selemah -lemah iman( kata2 ni untuk aku yer) sekurang kurangnya kita dah cuba kan??

    the question can strong be faithful tu bais lah

    faithful is nt exclusively belongs to anyone. sekalipun dia lemah, tak leh nak anggap dia takda kepercayaan.viseversa. bukan ke rahmat dan hidayah tu milik Allah ker?

    kita yang nampak cam baik ni belum tentu kita akan ada kesudahan yang baik

    like you said- see to observe people, not to give judgement

    sape kita nak menilai orang lain? kita semua ciptaan Allah

    setiap apa yang kita lakukan adalah dengan izin Allah, tak kira perkara yang baik atau jahat. kan? Kun fayakun

    jadi, the thought of the day- postku ni hanya merapu..
    selamat bersahur yer!!

  2. lagi satu- bukan ker sebelum kiamat 6ti zaman kegemilangan islam akan kembali dan semua orang yahudi akdn dibunuh ker sehingga haiwan dan tumbuhan bagi tau tempat persembunyian orang yahudi ke kecuali ada spesis pokok kan?

  3. when I say ” can the strong be faithful”, it is not only literally, but also, you need to delve deeper into the metaphor itself.
    Strong here can mean anything, can be anything. So is faith.
    And you quoted me back on the observer tag, thus here’s the rebuttal:
    This blog is how I see the world. It is the outlet for me to speak out and stick it to the Man. So, if I judge people, it is not for the fun of it. It is to remind myself and others that this WORLD is not FAIR. Whatever little ray of sunshine we have, take it.

  4. first of all, you are asking me tio give my opinion-
    yo are judging the other people
    im not seting its wrong to judge the other people but you once had tld me that see around you but not to give judgement
    who are we to judge the other people? as so we and ourselves is unperfect..
    dengan kita melihat kelemahan orang lain, kita akamn lupa kelemahan kita sendiri
    im never said that people like you judge people for fun but still sa for me, the reason to judge people is not adequate enough

    • I judge because I saw it as it is. If you have your own opinion, then you are entitled to it. But as I’ve said, opinions are subjective. Do good things and avoid the bad in life. If I see a wrong act, isn’t it MY duty as a Muslim and a person of conscience to correct it? Are not our existence is to learn from our mistakes? If we cannot talk about the mistakes of others, how can others talk about our mistakes? I am being humble and contrite by not naming names, subscribing to the fact of life; “siapa makan cili dia yang terasa pedasnya”. Isn’t it true?

  5. hemm.. masalahnya dia( orang orang yang tak puasa ni tak makan cili) ditegur pun terasa tak de pe pe kesan kan?
    the point here is kita tak layak menilai orang lain
    based on the fact that we are not perfect
    ingat tak cerita pasal seorang perempuan, dia berzina then dia rasa sangat terhina dan rasa ingin bertaubat
    dia pun berjumpa dengan nabi musa a.s dan tahu ape yang baginda buat?
    nabi musa yang ada sifat maksum( dipelihara dari melakukan kesalahan)
    menghukam dengan menghalau wanita berzina tadi. dibaginda memandang wanita tu dengan perassan yang jelik dan kotor
    lalu pergilah wanita tu keluar dari rumahnya dengan perasaan yang kecewa
    lalu turunnya wahyu- tuhan memarahi perbuatan nabi musa tu
    Siapa kamu untuk menghukum orang lain sedangkan hanya Aku yang berhak melakukannya

    hidayah dan rahmat milik Allah kan?
    mana tahu kita yang nampak cam baik suatu hari nanti ditarik balik hidayah yang tuhan berikan?
    ingat cerita pendeta?
    beribadat selama 200 tahun dengan tekun, ikhlas kemudian mati dalam kufur?

    jangan menilai orang lain walaupun busuk macam manapun orang tu, ok?

    • I deem this discussion finished. It’s circular logic, no matter how we see it. You are entitled to your own views and opinions, and so am I.
      If you think this matter should be handled in other ways, so be it. As for me… what I do in this life, the good and the bad, has its own consequences.
      I judge through my own filter of experience. If you cannot accept the fact that I judge people, then you don’t really know me very well…

  6. yes, im not knowing you faris
    for how long do we meet
    and im very poor in judging people

    see, I told you that im bad in giving comments

    opinion is subjective

    faris, can i meet you today?

    i want to discuss something with you

    with pah and wana

    i have problems

    HELP ME!!!

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