Posts tagged ‘Ramadhan’

7 September, 2009

Halfway through…

Thank God, Ramadhan is halfway through.  This year, though, it was a bit hard on me and my wallet. To think that I lost 2kgs just two weeks into Ramadhan! And I’m the type of a person that cannot bulk up so easily. (sigh)… and people envy me for being so skinny.

But I have observed so many things that should not happen in this holiest of months.

1. People not fasting and eating without shame in public.

2. The masses of “jantan ayu” plying their trade without shame nor fear.

3. The gossiping, the snide remarks that did not persist.

I guess it is just human nature (fitrah an-nas).

From Surah An-Nas, verse 1-6:

Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of men, The King of men, The god of men, From the evil of the whisperings of the slinking (Shaitan), Who whispers into the hearts of men, From among the jinn and the men.

(Credits to the translators. Taken from here :

Thought of the day: Faith keeps us strong. But can the strong be faithful?